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Monday, July 11, 2011


Today was the hardest day of my life. i hurt so much right now i feel like i am going to explode. today i had to call Social Services and tell them my kids needed to be picked up because i am unable to care for them. my ex-wife has a terminal illness and went into hospital. when she got out she went to stay her last month or so with her girlfriend and asked the kids to come, they both hate her girlfriend and refused. well she went anyway and turned utilities off. my children are 15 and 16 and are too young to fend for themselves. my daughter has been staying with a friend but that is not a permanent solution. my son, it turns out was staying in house with no utilities.i worked in mental health a long time and have had people share their experiences once there kids get in system. i swore that would never happen. i called my son to tell him what was going on. his only comment was " i fucking hate you" and hung up. i have never been hurt so bad in my life. please pray for me and somebody please reaasure me i did the right thing.

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