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Friday, April 29, 2011


sorry folks, had to take some time out to address some issues, my medication did not seem to working  well and i allowed myself to become overwhelmed. hopefully my new regimen will work out. i know this is a blog dealing with homelessness but alot of times you can't really discuss homelessness without discussing mental health, they often go hand in hand. at least in my case they do. anyway i hope all is well with everyone else. i have had alot of time to think in the last week and have made some difficult decisions that are going to be hardd initially but hopefully will work out for the best in long run. i love my children with all my heart but i am no use as a father if i am dead so i need to take better care of myself and hopefully they will understand, you see they have been spoilt very much by me, mostly due to quilt i assume but i need to cut back in some areas, things such as having the latest and coolest cell phone , the holister and aeropostale, and spending money. i am killing myself trying to provide those things. i need to get back dealing with my basic needs first and then do what i can.. it will be difficult as they are my heart but a father who sets some boundaries and not always physically there is better than a dead one. i have been fortunate to cross paths with some people who really care and are sticking by me, my hope and desire is that i can make it work and then i do the same for someone else. thats what is all about, the more we give, the more we get in return..if you read this you are probably already somewhat socially conscience but please try to spread it on. there are little things, even saying hello to someone on the streets, i can remember people walking by looking at ground not wanting to look at me, homeless people are people with feelings just like everyone else, a little respect is not so much, you know..... anyway i am glad to be back and will keep writing as this is a blog but is also somewhat of a journal and need to expressing myself to get better

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