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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

rainy days don't have to get you down

i am sitting here about to go to bed, (sucks getting old ;-)  ), worked today and am on my feet all day, additionally part of the program these good students from Hopkins are working on with us includes not only educational and vocational training but a little physical training and education as well which i must say as a 50 year old out shape man, is rough, they are of course not pushing too hard and monitoring but still.... last night we did something called "spinning" and today my calves are sore, but its a good soreness. its a kinda i know i am alive kinda of soreness. wanted to make some calls today. we are very interested in doing  somethings in neighborhood to give back back and let them know what we are are all about. we are having some success but Baltimore city politics i have found not the most easy to navigate, (hope i did just not offend someone). but i do not give up that easy and have a couple leads, we'll get there.also found out last night we will have access to a camera so i can maybe move this blog into more techno times, now if i could just get there myself. anyway not to get to far off tasks as i was getting off light rail i saw 3 guys with their cardboard going up up on the hill to make their beds for the night , sad......we can put a man on the moon, build a warship that can circle earth like a gazillion times but we can't help our own people out.anyway, i gonna go, get some green tea and relax, this blog is also therapeutic for me and have been strongly encouraged to continue so you will keep hearing from me. sometimes to check in and tell you how my day went and sometimes when angry just a place to rant....

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