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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

a day in the life

i recently kept a pad by my bed and scraps of paper in my pocket about a day, the following were probably only about half  but they are the feelings, emotions and behaviors in last day or so:. fulfillment, not being fullfilled, fear, guilt, love (both genuine, requited and unrequited), our mortality, untruthfulness, self loathing, pity, hope,peace, dreams, purpose,meaning of life, dreams lost, purpose, envy, feeling like an artist trapped in a body incapable to express it, destiny, fate, obsession, insanity, both being grateful and ungrateful, insane,suicidal and confused. now i know this list it not even a fraction and is extremely tangential but this my thought process, it's the behaviors, internal self dialogue i cannot seem to shut down and just runs, runs and runs through my mind. anyway anybody wanna trade? jajjajaja

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