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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

rocket man

sitting here and watched and episode of tv show and got somewhere between nostalgic and melancholic, listening to Van Morrison now, probably not best idea for depressed person  but sometime blues make me seem less blue. my mind is racing right now, always anxious but worse lately. looking for security i guess and there are no quick answers or remedies, that i know.. i wont be long, gonna force self to eat. just to let you know where i am at think "Rocket Man",  "Lost and cant find my way home", or" samba pa ti" and think,    just do it (sorry Nike), shit or get off pot, or as Tim Robbins said in "Shawshank Redemption" that "its time to get busy living, or get busy dying" anyway not sure if anybody reads these but  if you do thanks and reach out to someone in life. if we all help somebody just imagine what we can accomplish in this world we coexist. peace......

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